Outreach/Fellowship Ministries
First Congregational Church UCC of South Haven strives to support and promote the following Ministries and Outreach/Fellowship Groups. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in any or all of the groups as able.
First Congregational Church UCC of South Haven strives to support and promote the following Ministries and Outreach/Fellowship Groups. All are welcome and encouraged to participate in any or all of the groups as able.
First Congregational Church is the charter organization for Cub Scout Pack 188 and Boy Scout Troop 188.
Boys and Girls in Kindergarten through fifth grade are able to participate in Cub Scouts. Cubs are organized by grades into Dens. All the Dens meet once a month for a Pack Meeting at the church. The rest of the month, they meet as dens, sometimes at the church and sometimes elsewhere.
For more information about Cub Pack 188 please contact:
Boy Scouting is one of the traditional membership divisions of the Boy Scouts of America. The program achieves the BSA’s objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness. Troop 188 has an outdoor activity each month and will go camping many months of the year. They are active in service projects around South Haven.
It is available to boys and girls who have reached at least one of the following criteria:
Meetings: Currently the Troop is meeting on Sunday evenings at the church at 6 p.m.
For more information about Boy Scout Troop 188 please contact:
At the First Congregational Church Food Pantry we are dedicated to providing food to our most needy families within the greater South Haven area. We provide nutritionally balanced and complete meal packages.
Starting January 2024, the South Haven First Congregational Church food pantry will only be able to serve people living in: 49013 Bangor, 49026 Bloomingdale, 49027 Breedsville, 49043 Covert, 49056 Grand Junction, 49063 Lacota, 49090 South Haven and 49416 Glenn. This is consistent with the area served by the We Care Community Resource Center.
Our food stock is obtained through We Care partner churches, community organizations, the South Haven Farmers Market, and individuals who donate food items as well as provide financial support.
In addition to the normal pantry, this ministry also distributes Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Baskets. On various occasions throughout the year, we host the Feeding America Truck that distributes 5000 pounds of food to needy families.
Thousands of individuals benefit from this pantry every year.
Pantry Schedule: 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon – Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
Food Pantry Volunteer Leaders: Ann & Scott Raue, Don Kitchin, Cathy Siler, Georgia Yurkinas, Dave and Sue Murphey
Our staff of countless volunteers are committed to helping alleviate hunger in the South Haven area. We hope to make a difference for people who are going through difficult times. Please contact the church office (269-637-3804) or We Care Resource Center (http://www.wecare-inc.org/) if you would like to volunteer or know of someone in need.
Please consider making a financial donation to the pantry this year. Checks should be sent to First Congregational Church and can be made out to First Congregational Church Food Pantry or to First Congregational Church with We Care food pantry in memo line.
If you would prefer to donate food, items that are always needed include soup, cereal, canned vegetables, canned fruit, beef stew, pasta, peanut butter, and tuna.
The South Haven Garden Club generally meets at our church at 12:30 PM on the 2nd Monday of every month. Participating in various events and activities throughout the year, their mission is “to educate and beautify.”
To learn more about this wonderful group of people or get involved yourself, please visit their website:
Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912. Today it is part of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts consisting of nearly 10 million girls and adults in 145 countries. The mission of Girl Scouts is to “build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. The Girl Scouts Organization strives to be the premier leadership organization for girls, and experts on their growth and development.”
Our church has supported Girl Scouts for many years and frequently opens its doors to provide meeting locations for this well-esteemed and valuable organization.
For more information please visit their website:
All men are invited to participate in these fellowship opportunities. Just meet us at the church at the designated time. From week to week, our group size varies, as does our conversation. We’d love to have you join us!
After the Wednesday breakfast, some group members stay over at the church to help with small maintenance tasks. Once again, all are welcome!
Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Our Prayer Fellowship group meets every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in the lounge. We discuss updates on those for whom we have been praying and also add new names and events that have been made known to us.
Call Nancy Garber for meeting location details.
Not only do we pray for those who suffer from illnesses or loneliness, but we also give praise for prayers answered, new births and the beginning of another day. We have those who pray out loud and those who pray silently. All are invited to join us as we talk with God.
You will notice that prayer request forms have been placed throughout the Sanctuary and also in the Narthex. If you have a prayer request, you are encouraged to fill out a slip and place it in the collection plate or prayer request box in the Narthex. Not only do we lift up our collections to God with praise, but also our prayer requests.
Prayer: The act of communicating with a deity or spirit in worship.[1] Specific forms of this may include praise, requesting guidance/assistance, or confessing sins. Praying can be done in public, as a group, or in private.
In Christianity, a prayer shawl is a meaningful, blessed cloth given in honor of a saint, angel, or cherished individual. Prayer shawls are blessed by clergy or can be blessed through prayer by anyone. They are shared with those in need of comfort—whether facing illness, injury, or challenging times. They’re also given in celebration of joyful occasions, such as childbirth, baptism, or confirmation.
At First Congregational Church, UCC in South Haven, MI, our Prayer Shawl Ministry is growing, and we need many hands and hearts to help it thrive. You don’t need knitting or crocheting experience—everyone can contribute!
We welcome anyone willing to:
God calls us to serve in various ways—perhaps this is yours. If you’re interested in joining, please contact the church office at (269) 637-3804 or reach out to Shirley Sollman.
Let’s bring comfort and joy to those who need it.
A branch of Centered on Wellness Counseling of South West Michigan is located in our church. Established in 1974, this faith based counseling center strives to uphold its mission of “providing professional services that help to find a balance between spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and relational elements.” They offer counseling, coaching, consulting, education and prevention services. We are proud to have them share our building and benefit from their expertise. For more information please contact the Centered on Wellness office. (269.637.6236)
Note: this outreach is temporarily discontinued.
November through March we host a dinner every Thursday evening at 6pm.
All are welcome to attend, especially those in need of extra help during these difficult times. The Marcoux family, owners of Phoenix Street Café, a local restaurant here in South Haven, generously supplies the food for each dinner. It is served in our Fellowship Hall here at First Congregational Church, by many individuals and groups of volunteers from throughout the community.
Some of the volunteers include: Kiwanis, Rotary, Beta Sigma Phi, St. Basil’s youth, Boy/Cub Scout troop 188, and members of our own congregation.
Through this ministry, 50-94 people are fed every Thursday night.
The Care Team incorporates the following ministries:
This Ministry supplements the congregational care provided by our minister and is offered by members with warm hearts and good listening skills. The Ministry is flexible: volunteers may participate regularly or only occasionally, as they have time. If you would like to become part of this vital ministry of caring please let us know. Current Care Team coordinators are Mary Pietenpol and Elaine Kitchin
If you know of someone who may be in need of our Care Team ministry or if you are in need yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact us. (269-637-3804)
We Care Community Resource Center is an ecumenical helping ministry in South Haven, Michigan. First Congregational Church is proud to be one of the founding churches. We regularly support this ministry with staff, funds, and volunteers. The Food Pantry at our church is a part of We Care.
Launched in 1982 as an ecumenical project of area churches, the We Care Community Resource Center is a nonprofit with a simple mission: to be THE resource center for anyone in our area, serving all our neighbors. Whether you’re looking for opportunities to volunteer, donate or need assistance, We Care is here to help.
At the heart of our work are the almost three dozen pantries, ministries and programs, from food and personal hygiene pantries, to heat assistance and seasonal programs all coordinated through our centrally located offices. We Care has a variety of programs, all designed to assist people facing an emergent need, or to help fill the ongoing gap that exists for so many in our community. The ALICE population (which stands for Assest Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) is another segment of our communities that We Care works.
In addition to connecting people with these ministries, We Care has partnered with a wide variety of human-service agencies, community organizations, support groups, and other resources in our area to better assist those who have a need. Don’t know where to go? We’ll help you find the best resources for your unique situation, all in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
We Care also offers a plethora of volunteer opportunities – from working in one of the two offices, in any one of the pantries, or assisting clients through our programs. We Care also offers annual workshops and special programs to the community, and to help those we serve understand the circumstances surrounding poverty.
Thanks to the generosity of countless volunteers and donors, every year We Care is able offer a helping hand to meet over 700 needs a month. Amazingly, during the COVID-19 crisis, We Care has served over 1,000 families a month. This amounted to over 5000 adults and children. Currently, we are meeting over 10,000 needs a year.
Though we continue to be fueled by our faith tradition, We Care is an independent nonprofit that serves all people – period. Our goal is to imitate the life and teachings of Jesus by offering love, compassion and help to all.
Do you, or does someone you know, need support? Are you looking for ways you can be involved? Call one of our offices for an appointment or stop in during office hours. We would be delighted to offer you a cup of coffee and a warm welcome!
We Care Resource Center central office is located at:
1301 M-43 Hwy, Suite 2B
South Haven, MI 49090
“The purpose of Women’s Fellowship is to cultivate the spirit of Christ in every area of human life, beginning in our own lives and reaching into home, community and the outermost part of the earth.”
All women of the congregation are automatically members of Women’s Fellowship. We encourage all women to participate and bring visitors.
Please call the church office to find out about additional activities/meeting times.
Activities include:
Please Join us for one or all of these activities!
Join the women of First Congregational Church every Wednesday morning at 9:00 for a time of fellowship, conversation, and a delicious breakfast. Our meeting location varies, so please call the church office at (269) 637-3804 to find out where we’ll be gathering each week.
There’s no commitment—come as you are, whether it’s once in a while or every week. Our group is always changing, making each gathering a unique experience.
We’d love for you to join us for warm conversations and meaningful connections!
Our Mission Board at First Congregational Church, UCC, is dedicated to outreach, compassion, and support—locally and beyond. We actively contribute to Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM), the We CARE program, CUE (supporting UCC seminaries), and Centered on Wellness. Through generous member donations, we also support special UCC funds, including One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and The Christmas Fund for retired and financially struggling clergy.
Our commitment to serving the community includes regular support for the local Food Pantry, collection and delivery of personal care items, and ongoing assistance to the Blue Star Mothers organization. We also host periodic after-church coffee hours to foster connection and fellowship.
The Mission Board invites all to join in this ministry of giving and service. Together, we make a difference.