Sunday Worship - 10:30 AM
Open and Affirming
All are welcome!


We are a welcoming congregation dedicated to embracing and loving all of God’s children. Come as you are—we’d love to have you join us!

Sunday Service

Church Sanctuary: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

  • Announcements: Before the service begins, the lay assistant will share any upcoming events from the church calendar.
  • Call to Worship: Led by our lay assistant, this responsive reading is displayed on the front screen and included in our Sunday bulletin. The congregation is invited to respond with the text in bold.
  • Passing of the Peace: The congregation stands to greet those nearby.
  • Sharing with the Children: The pastor invites children to the front steps of the sanctuary for a special message. Afterward, children may go to the Nursery or Sunday School (K-7th grade) until the service ends.
  • Scripture Lesson: The pastor reads the Sunday scripture to the congregation.
  • Message: The pastor delivers a message interpreting the day’s scripture, often relating it to current events or life experiences.
  • Service of Prayer: The congregation can share additional joys or concerns. This service includes a silent prayer, a prayer led by the pastor, and the Lord’s Prayer.
  • Invitation to Give Thanks: The lay assistant will call the ushers forward to collect the morning offering.
  • Benediction: The pastor gives a blessing to conclude the service.

Child Care

Childcare options during 10:30 worship:

  • Nursery/playroom available for children up to Kindergarten age
  • Located on the church’s lower level
  • Supervised by responsible adults
  • Parents may:
    • Drop off children before the service
    • Bring children down after “Time for Children” (early in the service)
  • For childcare assistance, please contact a deacon
  • Children in grades 1-7 can join Sunday School at the same time

Sunday School

1st-7th Grade Sunday School

Children in this age group attend Sunday School while adults participate in the main Worship Service. The young attendees usually begin in the Worship Service with their families, join in the “Time for Children” segment, and then move to the church’s lower level for Sunday School. The Sunday School curriculum includes Bible-based activities such as readings, drama exercises, and craft projects, often aligned with church seasons or specific scriptural themes.


Chancel Choir

The First Congregational Church Chancel Choir enhances worship through music. We view music as an integral part of worship and strive to use our abilities to enrich services. Our choir performs regularly throughout the year.

Our repertoire spans various musical styles, including contemporary praise songs and beloved choral pieces from recent decades. We continuously expand our musical library with new selections annually. Often, we collaborate with guest instrumentalists. Our congregation is fortunate to have talented members who contribute their skills on percussion, brass, wind, and string instruments.

Under the guidance of our church co-Music Directors, Diane and Lisa Van Deurzen-Otey, we gather from Labor Day until Graduation Sunday (the first Sunday in June). We occasionally offer special performances during summer months. The Chancel Choir welcomes all, regardless of experience or ability to read music.

Bell Choir

The First Congregational Church features a Hand Bell Choir that performs with a two-octave set of Malmark bells. This ensemble regularly enhances church services with their musical contributions. Rehearsal schedules are flexible. Visitors to South Haven are encouraged to attend a service and experience the choir’s delightful performances. The group welcomes new members, and those interested can reach out to Ann Habicht for more details.

Regarding handbell performances in general:

Handbell choirs or ensembles create harmonious music using a set of tuned bells, distinct from the mathematical patterns of change ringing. These groups typically use bell sets covering at least two octaves of the chromatic scale, with larger ensembles employing up to seven-and-a-half octaves. The bells are usually arranged chromatically on foam-padded tables to protect them and prevent rolling.

Unlike traditional musical groups where each performer plays a separate part, handbell ensembles function as a single instrument. Each ringer is responsible for specific notes, playing their assigned bells whenever those notes appear in the score.
Handbell choirs have gained popularity in the United States over the past three decades. While often associated with churches, there’s been a significant increase in community-based groups. These community ensembles tend to use larger bell sets and have about 12-15 members for a four- or five-octave choir.

Many educational institutions now incorporate handbells into their music curriculum, sometimes starting younger students with chimes. This practice helps develop music theory knowledge, sight-reading skills, and teamwork, aligning with various educational standards.
Handbell ringing has also been adopted by special needs groups, who may use diverse musical styles, notation methods, and adaptive techniques to make the activity accessible and enjoyable for all participants.

Bible Study

Adult Bible Study Classes are offered periodically throughout the year based on participant interest. These sessions typically take place in the lounge. For information on the schedule and location of the next Bible Study, please contact the office.

Coffee & Conversation

Join us in the Fellowship Hall after service for coffee and conversation!

Join our welcoming community at First Congregational Church of South Haven, Michigan. After the service, head upstairs to Fellowship Hall, just steps from the Sanctuary. Enjoy fresh coffee, tasty snacks, and friendly conversation. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet new faces and deepen connections. We look forward to getting to know you better!