WORSHIP for Sunday, June 21st
We continue to worship on Facebook live at 10:30 Sunday mornings. We also have worship on our website and by CD’s. If you need help connecting, let the office know.
During the month of June we focus on a new series, “Listen”. We will quiet things down and heighten our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own true self. Listening through prayer as well as meditation on sacred texts is an ancient spiritual practice. We invite you to join us, to find a place of quiet rest and listen.
Our scripture reading each week will be a bit different. The primary lesson will be read twice. It will be read by one of the pastors and then there will be a time of instrumental music. During that time you are invited to write down a word or phrase that speaks to you. Then, the passage will be read a second time. This is an abridged “lectio divina” format–which means “divine reading.” It is our hope that this spiritual practice will enhance our understanding of the passage.
The scripture for Sunday is from Romans 12:2-12. Special music will be provided by Rick Olsen, Mike Nelson and Jon Olsen.
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! We hope you enjoy your day.
Tuesday Prayer Group
The Prayer Group meets on line Tuesday’s at 1:30 p.m. You can join the meeting by going to Zoom.us and go to JOIN A MEETING. There you will enter the phone number 269-214-8924.
If you have prayer requests, please let us know. These will be added to the Tuesday and Sunday lists .
Please hold the following in your prayers this week:
- Lisa Pietenpol—car accident
- Al Lyon—broken wrist
- Joy Church
- Steve Siler
- Rick Siler
- Brad Ayers
- Elsie Hoffman—3 yr. old great-granddaughter of Ann Gruber
- Juanita Wellever—Florida
- Craig Arms
- Ren’Zahya—granddaughter of Pastor Dick—broken arm
- All affected by the Coronavirus. (CoVid 19)
Prayers for resolutions in a peaceful manner.
Grieving—Family of Bill Kerber
We pray for our brothers and sisters at Congregational UCC in Galesburg.