This Blog starts with Pastor Jeffrey telling us about what church was like yesterday.
Pastor Jeffrey: Wonderful service this morning. Full church, over 100 people of all ages. The music was joy filled and lively.
Pastor Dick was invited to bring greetings and was warmly welcomed.
This is the 12th anniversary of the church in Gressier.
The message was on the need for peace. Peace in the family and among all of us. Spoke about how children need to get along.
Then he spoke about nuclear weapons in the world and how there is no peace. We all need to work for peace.
Spoke about leaders and how they are not working for peace but for their own purposes. We need peace
Brought it back to the family and need for peace to start there
Peace starts with us. As we greet our neighbors and families. As Jesus greets us with peace let us greet others with peace
The peace of Christ be with you.
Church was over 2 hours long.
1st picture – Jeffrey: We met these 2 young men at the church in Gressier where we are serving. The boy on the right is 17. Hard to spell his name. He works for the church filling their water. He speaks Creole and French fluently. He knows a fair amount of English and Spanish. He was asking questions to work on his languages. Very sharp. He attends English classes on Sunday nights. Very charming and smart.
Pictures 2 thru 10 Lynn: This morning we joined with the members of Church of The Narrow Gate to pick up trash around their church and minister to their community by visiting homes. It was wonderful to meet new friend and invite people from the neighborhood to church. Our hard work was rewarded with an ice cream treat we bought from a local vendor. Cold ice cream on a hot day was a real treat!
Pictures 11 and 12 We started teaching a computer class at the orphanage we are staying at. The kids absolutely loved it, and learned so quick. We can’t wait to continue to see all that they will learn this week.
Pastor Jeffrey:
Computer class at Good shepherd orphanage. Thanks to Nancy Nelson and Whirlpool for donating these laptops our youth are doing the teaching. Very exciting.
More information from ast Saturday when they took a tour of the orphanage.
Paster Jeffrey: Tour of orphanage and lunch
Pictures 13 thru 16
Dorm room, classroom, black beans growing, Haitian spaghetti and mangos